7 Ways To Optimize Your WordPress Website

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WordPress is an excellent platform for budding entrepreneurs to create websites for their startups or small business. It is a powerful CMS platform, used by over half of those that utilise a content management system, business owners all over the world rely on WordPress to power their websites. More than 400 million websites are powered by WordPress worldwide, including more than 100 million in the United States. The top one million websites in the world are powered by WordPress and related to business and this clearly shows the significance of WordPress as a content management service for businesses of all sizes. WordPress is quite slow and it is not optimized correctly, therefore how to speed up WordPress Website is a hot topic these days. Let's discuss some points that can be used to optimize the WordPress site.

Use a Faster and Quality WordPress Theme

There are thousands of premium themes are available for those planning to create a WordPress-based website for their startup. So you need to be careful in selecting a reliable theme and it should be flexible you need to have the ability to make modifications without much hassle. The WordPress theme comes with tons of built-in features you may consider migrating to a theme that is the faster theme, that loads quicker.

Get Faster WordPress Hosting

Hosting is another crucial factor when it comes to creating a website for your startup. You need to look for a managed hosting service that will help you keep your WordPress website up and running at all times. Migrating to a faster host can often fix multiple issues and no matter how much you optimize your WordPress Website, if you have slow hosting, your site will run slow until you upgrade. 

Choose your plugins wisely and Install a WordPress Caching Plugin

Installing many plugins on your WordPress site will slow its performance so add the necessary plugins that you will actively use and delete the rest. To increase WordPress site performance, you can employ the WordPress caching plugins. It is recommendable and Caching can make your WordPress site faster. These Caching plugins make a copy of the page after the first load and serve that cached version to every subsequent user. 

Optimize Delivery of JavaScript and CSS

By reducing the number of CSS and JS calls as well as the size of these files, you can improve the WordPress site loading speed. Minification of these JavaScript and CSS resources means removing unnecessary characters from your HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that are not required to load, such as White space characters, New line characters, Comments, and Block delimiters.

This speeds up your site load times as it reduces the amount of code that has to be requested from the server.

Optimize Homepage to Load Quickly

There are a few things that you can do to ensure that your homepage loads quickly, which probably is the most important part of your site because people will be landing there the most often. Things that you can do include show excerpts instead of full posts, reducing the number of posts on the page, removing unnecessary sharing widgets from the home page and inactive plugins and widgets that you don’t need etc.

Remove Unnecessary Plugin Files

WordPress plugins can be hugely beneficial for functionality but oftentimes plugins inject unnecessary resources that can slow your website down. The more plugins installed on your WordPress site, the slower your WordPress speed performance will be. So, go through each plugin and know which plugins are slowing down your site, consider deleting it, replacing it with code or finding an alternative lightweight plugin.

Lazy Load Images and Videos

Lazy loading is a concept where you delay the loading of an object unit until it is needed.  In WordPress, Lazy Loading usually refers to not loading objects until a user scrolls down the page or uses an on-click event and you can lazy load all sorts of content, from images to videos. To lazy load images and videos, you may use plugins that replace all post images, post thumbnails, gravatar images and content iframes. 

Final Thoughts

To Fast loading the wordpress pages, improve user experience and increase your page views on your WordPress site, we will share the most useful WordPress speed optimization tips to boost WordPress performance and speed up your website. So you need to keep the above several important facts in mind before you think about using WordPress for your business website. Hepto Technologies is a leading WordPress development company that provides the best WordPress Development Services and optimize your site with custom themes, plugins, design etc. We pride ourselves on providing a top-notch user experience by delivering unmatched WordPress development services to clients across the globe.