Hottest Mobile App Development Trends 2022

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The mobile development market continues to make strides, with global revenue. Mobile app development is an area of endless opportunities, a place to breed ideas and let innovation drive creativity. Smartphones and other digital devices are already an inseparable part of our lives.  Daily meetings with colleagues, Facetime for virtual hangouts, video streaming services, and intelligent AI chatbots have dramatically reshaped the world, so many startups bet on this channel trying to meet modern customer demands. Such popularity determines the importance of staying in touch with the latest mobile app development trends that continue to show new shapes and colours every year. 

Mobile App Development Trends to Follow In 2022
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 

Artificial intelligence is one of the leading trends in the mobile industry. Chatbots, smart digital assistants, and other AI technologies are actively applied by such giants as Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon. AI-based solutions can be used across a variety of industries including healthcare, e-commerce, and others. Learning from data and machine learning algorithms can make your app more intelligent and allows users to detect fraud, get personalized recommendations based on users’ search queries, and enjoy high-quality customer service. 

Augmented Reality

Another important mobile app development trend that will stay with mobile app development in 2022 is Augmented Reality. Besides game development, Augmented Reality can benefit such industries as education, real estate, retail, engineering, and healthcare. Using Augmented Reality, businesses can showcase their products and services in the best possible way.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is among the newest mobile app development trends of 2022. Blockchain has been around for a while now, and it is one of the best ways to keep data protected. Blockchain technology creates decentralized databases, making digital operations more secure as no one can alter the databases to misuse sensitive data. It can be used in mobile app development to build solutions with enhanced data security, high reliability, and safe in-app purchases. 

Biometric Authentication 

Fingerprint technologies are hardly innovative but it is still one of the core mobile application development trends on the market that provide users with an extra level of data protection. The market for biometric technologies is expected to grow, from hospitality and retail to automotive and fintech, any industry can benefit from biometric applications. Both personal and business versions are available so that you can secure your sensitive data. 

Voice Technology

Voice Technologies have been dominating the software development landscape, which made them the key mobile app industry trends in 2022 and beyond. Users love voice technology as they can easily get relevant suggestions without the need to type manually or use confusing voice assistants.  Many software companies follow this mobile development trend by building voice-to-text solutions, in-car speech recognition systems, and voice-enabled chatbots to boost customer experience. 


Techniques such as voice and facial recognition, predictive analytics, and NLP make chatbots more intelligent. AI chatbot will complement your mobile app with immediate customer service and increase engagement by providing users with relevant suggestions based on their interests. With so many solutions, chatbots are the leading mobile development trends to follow in 2022.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Progressive Web Apps are updated automatically, require less space, load much faster than apps and are easier to build and launch. The e-commerce industry can greatly benefit from PWAs and they can aid e-stores in providing seamless online shopping experiences to their customers. PWA enhance customer experience, optimize page load time, and boost pages viewed per session. 

Wrapping Up

In this blog, we list the top mobile development trends in 2022 is sure to provide you with valuable insight into the future of mobile apps. With the latest trends in mobile technology, you will satisfy your customers’ specific needs and ensure they enjoy an innovative experience. Hepto Technologies is a leading mobile app development company and is always ready to help you with these endeavours and make your business profitable!